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Sam McLean

Springboard Licensed Trainer for 5 years. 

Springboard is for women who want to take control, become more assertive, increase their confidence & build themselves a more positive attitude in both their work and home lives.


The programme gives you the time to reflect, share and most importantly, set achievable goals for now and the future. Working across 48 countries, we take like-minded individuals on a transformational journey, as well as positively helping organisations change and reshape.


We have been delivering Springboard Courses for more than 30 years across the globe, the programme results are outstanding.


Staff and employers alike affirm to the programme’s success. Individuals speak of a new sense of purpose, an open approach to change and a more positive attitude. Employers report being delighted with the changes to their staff, who show a more focused and positive outlook, offering solutions rather than problems as well as increased motivation. Springboard helps organisations tackle the gender pay gap and work on the key issues of diversity and inclusion.

Samantha McLean
discusses being a trainer

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